Sunday 28 November 2021

Term 4 Week 7

We have some very tired little workmates, at the moment. The changes in weather, the heat, the excitement of the coming holidays and a few niggly worries about moving to Year 3 are playing havoc on our emotions. We are working really hard with our Zones of Regulation but some days it’s really hard to stay in the green zone. We’ll probably need a little extra TLC and a few early nights over the next few weeks. Please, make sure your child has a water bottle at school - it really helps.


We are publishing a school magazine again this year, and this will be available during the last week of this term. At this stage there are only to be 100 magazines printed. It will be a great memento of 2021. Orders are taken now with the cost for the magazine being $10.00.


The library is now closed for stocktaking. Once the stocktake is completed, any outstanding books will be issued with an invoice to replace the book. We have just been issued with a list of outstanding books - we’ll be in touch if there are any books for you to keep an eye out for.


Kakano 3 are swimming this week. K3 are swimming bright and early so feel free to come in the gates with the big kids at 8:30am.  


Kakano 1, 2,3 are organising the Advent Liturgy, this week.  Unfortunately, we still can’t have an audience but we will share this with you all on Educa.

This week:

Literacy: We will be focusing on using simple and complex sentences, and different sentence starters in our writing. In our reading we will be focusing on noticing where the beginning and end of sentences are, and reading completely to the end of each sentence so that we understand what we are reading.

Numeracy: We will be focusing on division. We will explore how we can share equally to solve division problems.

Religious Education:  The bible is a holy book that helps us get to know God. It also tells the story of Jesus' life.

Play: We have a Technology focus for the next 2 weeks. There are all sorts of exciting things planned.

Coming Up:

The organisation for some of these events may change due to covid restrictions

2 Dec:  Advent Liturgy

7 Dec: Celebration of Learning Day

10 Dec: End of Year Mass

13 Dec: St Mary’s Tryathlon

14 Dec: Prizegiving

16 Dec: Missioning of Year 6 / School closes at 12midday for the year

Sunday 21 November 2021

Term 4 Week 6

It has been great to see our children happily playing in the sun with their hats on. The days are certainly getting hotter and many water bottles are being refilled from classroom taps. Lots of water helps keep us hydrated so that we can learn and play to our full potential.

Library Books

There is no more issuing of books for the rest of this school year. This week classes will visit the library as normal, and will be returning books only. Please have a good hunt around the house for any library books from school. From week 7, the library will be closed for stocktake. Once the stocktake is completed, any outstanding books will be issued with an invoice to replace the book.


Kakano 1&2 are back in the swimming pool this week. Remember to bring your swimming gear every day. 


Kakano 1&3 are on assembly this week. Unfortunately due to our level 2 restrictions, we are unable to invite parents and family to join us. We will endeavour to get a link sent out so that you can join us virtually - and so the kids can see themselves performing.

This week:

Literacy: We will be focusing on using simple and complex sentences, and different sentence starters in our writing. In our reading we will be focusing on noticing where the beginning and end of sentences are, and reading completely to the end of each sentence so that we understand what we are reading.

Numeracy: We will be focusing on skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to solve number problems. You can help me at home by skip counting with me. See if you can get all the way to 50 in 2s, 100 in 5s and 500 in 10s.

Religious Education: We are looking at how God is fair and just to everyone, and wants us to live like that too.


Tues: Kakano 2 Library

Wed:  Kakano 1 Library

Thu:   Kakano 3 Library  


Coming Up:

The organisation for some of these events may change due to covid restrictions

2 Dec:  Advent Liturgy

7 Dec: Celebration of Learning Day

10 Dec: End of Year Mass

13 Dec: St Mary’s Tryathlon

14 Dec: Prizegiving

16 Dec: Missioning of Year 6 / School closes at 12midday for the year 

Thursday 18 November 2021

Leaking Roof!

What an interesting start to the day today.  One of the pipes in the roof broke and there was a bit of a wet mess!  The plumber was able to get things fixed, getting a little wet himself along the way.  Once things dry out we will be able to get the hole in the roof fixed too. Kakano 2 wrote some stories about what they saw and experienced.

I  was  the  second  one  in  class  and  I  saw  water  leaking. 

I  thought  a  lot  of  water  would  wash  us  away  but  no.  Mr 

Richard  fixed  it but we  had  to  use  the  little  kids  toilet. 

It  was  still leaking  but  Mr  Richard  fixed  it  some  more 

and  it  was  the  same.

By  Braxton

My  school  roof  was  leaking  and  the  plumber  came  to  fix  the  roof.  For  some  seconds  the  roof  stopped  leaking.  Our  Harold  pictures  were  wet  but  it’s  ok  because  the  sun  can  dry  it.

By  Marc

In  the  morning  I  got  to  school  and  a  leak  was  in  the  roof.  The  plumber  was  here  at  school.  It  was  dripping  lots  of  drips.  The  wall  was  soggy.  It  was  easy  to  take  out  the  roof  because  it  was  wet  and  soggy.  Some  of  the  pictures  got  ruined  because  of  the  dripping.

By  Frida

We  had  a  leak  in  our  classroom  at  school.  Then  a  plumber  man  came  and  fixed  the  pipes.  When  he  was  finished  our  roof  had  a  big  hole  in  it.

By  Francika

Today  the  roof  leaked  and  a  little  got  removed.  Some  Harold  pictures  got  wet  like  Mason’s  and  Zoe’s.  Then  the  plumber  climbed  the  ladder  and  took  the  pipe  out.  Then  he  put  it  back  and  got  the  rubbish  bin  and  put  it  under  the  leak.  Then  he  went  to  fix  the  pipe  again.  The  leak  stopped  and  a  few  moments  later  the  tap  made  a  little  bit  of  water  come  out.

By  Alex

Today  the  pipe  broke  and  the  water  came  out  of  the  roof.  The  roof  came  apart  and  the  water  dropped  and  dropped.  The  water  came  out  and  the  roof  pipe  broke.

By  Armaan

This  morning  we  had  a  little  excitement.  The  roof  fell  off!!!!!  Oh  no!  It  was  so  cool  to  watch.  But  we  had  to stay  right  away  from  it.  For  the  morning  it  was  a  little  bit  different  but  amazing.  I  was  shocked.  I  seriously  loved  it.  I  thought  there  was  an  owl  up  there  in  the  roof.  We  had  a  lot  of  towels  on  the  ground.  On  the  mat  I  kept  looking  back  at  the  roof.

By  Lauren

I  see  a  big  bubble  in  the  roof!  I  was  so  worried  and  there  were  a  lot  of  towels  on  the  floor.  When  the  plumber  came  he  pulled  the  roof  off  the  ceiling.  The  plumber  turned  the  tap  on.  The  water  went  everywhere  when  the  plumber  fixed  the  roof.

By  Katie

Our  roof  got  some  water  and  some  water  fell  on  the  ground.  When  it  hit  the  ground  it  touched  the  towels.  Some  people  fixed  the  roof  and  the  pipe.  Some  people  touched  the  water.

By  Joachim

One  day  at  school  we  had  a  leak  in  our  class  at  night.  So  a  man  came  and  fixed  it  today  and  there  was  water  dripping.  So  the  man  put  a  rubbish  bin  where  it  was  dripping  from  the  hole.  We  had  to  stay  away.

By  Christian

This  morning  the  roof  was  broken  and  the  roof!!!!!  was  so  weird!  Two  boys  came  in  and  technically  a  bit  of  the  roof!  fell!  on  me!  So  I  quickly  ran.  I  was  running  and  I  banged  my  head.  I  was  sad  but  I  was  still  scared  so  I  still  ran  very  fast!  Water  was  spilling  out  and  we  got  a  rubbish  bin  to  catch  the  water  in.

By  Isbaella

In  the  morning  when  I  came  to  school,  there  were  ten  towels  on  the  floor.  Then  a  man  came  into  our  classroom  with  a  ladder.  He  pulled  the  roof  off  and  made  a  huge  mess.  Me  and  Savannah  were  scared  because  he  was  making  a  big  hole  and  a  little  hole.  The  holes  looked  like  flowers.  The  man  took  the  rubbish  out  of  the  rubbish  bin.  He  took  the  rubbish  bin  to  the  holes  and  he  broke  the  wire.  Water  splashed  into  the  bin  and  how  he  got  up  there  was  the  ladder.

By  Elladee

At  school  today  the  roof  was  soggy  and  wet.  I  saw  towels  on  the  sliding  door.  But  then  the  plumber  man  came  in  with  a  ladder.  He  put  the  ladder  on  to  the  roof.  First  he  broke  pieces  of  the  roof  and  threw  the  pieces  on  the  floor.  I  was  scared  because  maybe  the  class  could  fall  apart  and  I  was  shocked.

By  Zoe

Today  something  crazy  happened  on  our  roof.  The  water  pipe  broke  and  the  plumber  tried  to  fix  it  and  he  got  all  wet.  Now  we  have  a  giant  hole  in  our  roof.  When  I  got  here  I  saw  ten  towels.  At  writing  time  I  saw  Mr  Macmillan  saw  the  hole.

By  Savannah

The  hole  dripped  and  dripped.  It  did  not  stop.  At  last  it  stopped.  The  plumber  came  and  then  when  he  left  it  was  good.

By  Kellan

This  is  the  day  of  the  broken  pipes  and  toilets.  The  plumber  fixed  the  pipes  but  the  roof  is  still  broken.  He  thinks  it  would  be  okay  that  it  is  broken.  The  plumber  went  to  do  his  job  and  after  this  job  he  can  rest.

By  Dominic

When  I  came  in  the  ranch  slider  Braxton  said  to  come  in  the  class  because  I  was  still  outside  getting  my  things  in  my  cubbyhole.  Then  when  I  saw  it  I  didn’t  really  care.  Then  later  on  the  plumber  took  some  of  the  wet  pieces  off  and  I  was  so  scared  that  I  hid  under  the  table  because  I  thought  it  would  collapse!  When I  saw  the  plumber  working  there,  I  saw  a  lot  of  water  coming  out  and  going  in  the  bin.

By  Zaneia

The  roof  was  leaking  and  the  plumber  was  fixing  the  roof.  The  kids  were  looking  at  the  roof  and  the  water  got  on  my  arm.  The  plumber  already  fixed  the  pipe.

By  Vincent

Today,  this  morning,  we  saw  the  roof  leaked.  The  plumber  removed  the  roof  and  some  pictures  of  Harold  got  wet,  like  mine.  So  the  longer  it  leaked  the  stronger  the  water  got.  Then  it  got  so  strong  that  it  reached  people  and  got  our  backs  wet.  Then  after  we  finished  our  structured  literacy  we  went  out.  It  was  leaking  but  after  a  while  it  got  fixed.

By  Mason

Term 4 Week 9 - Last week of the school year

This is our last few days together in Kakano 1-3. We have lots going on this week. It has been a sheer pleasure teaching your little cherubs...